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Dental Fillings

If you have been thinking about getting dental fillings in Charlotte, NC, there’s no better place for that than our Aspire Dental Wellness clinic. With excellent Dr. Sladjana Bjelac at the head of our team, you can be sure you’ll get the results you want.

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What Are Dental Fillings and How Do You Know if You Need Them?

Dental fillings are used to fill an area of a tooth that has been damaged due to decay – or, as it’s commonly called, a cavity. When you have a cavity, there’s an area of the tooth that needs to be filled – this is where fillings come to the scene. Cracked, worn down, or broken teeth can also be corrected with this dental procedure. Fillings restore the normal function of teeth and prevent further decay while also providing you with cosmetic improvements.
Fillings are among the most common procedures performed in a dental office, and most people will need at least one filling in their life. So, how do you know if this is necessary for your oral health? When you go to your dentist’s office for a checkup, they will examine the surfaces of each tooth to check for damage and decay. If there is any decay, you will likely need a dental filling.

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Types of Dental Fillings and Their Characteristics

There are several types of fillings based on the materials used to make them. The one that will suit your needs depends on the complexity of your tooth damage, its location, and whether you have allergies to any filling materials. Of course, it’s worth noting that the cost of dental fillings can also affect your decision on which fillings to get. Here are the main types of fillings used in a dental office:

Gold Fillings

As you may expect, this high-quality material is an excellent choice for a filling. Gold is very well tolerated by gums, and a filling can last up to 20 years. While it’s not as affordable as other materials, the investment is sure to pay off. Gold fillings require several visits to your dentist in Charlotte, NC. We must note that considering the high costs of gold fillings and the availability of better choices, the Aspire Dental Wellness team doesn’t offer gold fillings to patients.

Amalgam Fillings

These are among the most commonly used, as amalgam is relatively inexpensive. The filling consists of silver combined with several other substances – mercury, tin, copper, and zink. Although these fillings are very durable, they aren’t the best choice for visible areas due to their dark color. While relatively inexpensive, amalgam fillings aren’t the best choice for your health. These fillings don’t fit the standards our dental office aspires to uphold, and they don’t fit the standards of holistic dentistry. That’s why we don’t offer them to our patients.

Porcelain Fillings

These are inlays or onlays – they are often called indirect fillings. They are used when there isn’t enough tooth structure for other fillings, but your tooth isn’t so severely damaged to require a crown. A filling is made in a dental laboratory based on the impression of your teeth. It’s adapted for each patient to match their natural teeth color, and the material is very resistant to staining. However, porcelain is still not the best choice of material for fillings, and we only provide our patients with the best – that’s why we don’t work with porcelain fillings.

Composite Resins

Composites are often used for smaller fillings. The material looks very natural because it’s tooth-colored, but it’s less durable compared to other types of dental fillings – it lasts about five years. This is due to the fact that composites can get stained just like teeth.

What Does the Procedure of Getting Fillings Look Like?

Before a filling can be placed, your dentist has to prepare the tooth. First, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area. Your dentist will then use a drill or another instrument, such as a laser, to remove all the decay surrounding the healthy tissue. Next up, the cavity has to be cleaned to ensure there’s no debris left. Only then can your dentist put the filling in place and polish it.

What to Expect Following the Procedure?

Some patients experience changes in sensation after getting a filling. Sensitivity to air, pressure, cold or sweet foods are all common occurrences, but they last only up to a week or two. After that, the sensitivity returns to normal. 
Pain isn’t expected, but some patients may experience galvanic shock. This is a sharp shock-like feeling that occurs when two metals produce an electric current in the mouth. For example, if you have an amalgam filling in one tooth and a gold one in the tooth next to it – their contact causes galvanic shock.

Get Charlotte Dental Fillings at Aspire Dental Wellness Clinic in South Park

For those in need of general and cosmetic dentistry services in Charlotte, NC, Aspire Dental Wellness is here to help. We pride ourselves on our customized approach to each patient, quality dental services, and a pleasant atmosphere that helps our patients relax as much as it is possible in a dental office.

Dr. Sladjana Bjelac Is an Expert in Cosmetic Dentistry in Charlotte, NC

Dr. Sladjana Bjelac is the head of our team at Aspire Dental Wellness. When it comes to advanced cosmetic & laser dentistry for cavities, she is the go-to Charlotte dentist in South Park. Dr. Bjelac is a highly educated expert who studied in both Europe and the US. This allowed her to curate a unique approach to dental services and set her apart from others.

Reach Out and Reserve an Appointment to Get Your Perfect Smile

Pay a visit to our clinic and see for yourself why our Dr. Bjelac is an excellent choice for your Charlotte, NC, dentist. Contact us to reserve your first appointment, and let us work to enhance your smile – we’re looking forward to having you as our patient.

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