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Dental Wellness

Most people think that dentists only provide dental services, but at our dental wellness center, we also offer facial treatments like PRF and microneedling. We will not only perfect your smile, but we will rejuvenate your face as well because we know that when you look good – you feel good.

An Anxiety-Free Experience for All.

No Drilling, Needles, or Numbness

Gentler & Faster Treatment

Rapid & Predictable Healing

Decreased Infection Risk & Discomfort

What Is Dental Wellness?

Many people believe that dental wellness only refers to good oral health and a wide range of dental services. However, our team at Aspire Dental Wellness has a more holistic approach and believes in incorporating both oral and mental health. That’s one of the reasons why we take such good care of our patients and why we try so hard to make them feel like they’ve gone to a spa appointment. 

Our Charlotte dentist in SouthPark also knows that when you look good – you feel good. That’s why it’s not enough for us to just send you home with great tooth implants, healthy white teeth, and a radiant smile. We will also take care of your skin and rejuvenate it with our fantastic PRF and microneedling face treatments. With fresh skin and a great smile, you will fall back in love with yourself. So, here’s everything you need to know about the beauty treatments we offer at our wellness dental clinic.

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Microneedling Is One of the Best Ways to Care for Your Skin

When it comes to the most popular and effective beauty treatments, microneedling is ranked very high on the list. It’s a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that helps enhance the texture and appearance of your skin. It minimizes any imperfections such as hyperpigmentation, scarring, stretch marks, wrinkles, and other skin issues. 
But how does it work? Microneedling is the process of stimulating the skin barrier’s natural healing process by poking it with thin needles and creating tiny holes that need to heal. While it might sound counterproductive, damaging the skin’s barrier allows it to produce more elastin and collagen when healing, making the skin on your face much smoother and firmer. 
Microneedling requires multiple treatments over a longer period of time. The more skin issues you have, the longer it will take. The appointments are usually scheduled three to eight weeks apart. The saying good things take time refers to microneedling. Needle lengths also depend on the severity of the case – they can range from 0.5 mm to 2 mm. Your cosmetic dentist in Charlotte, NC, will talk you through the entire process. 
A numbing cream such as lidocaine will be applied to your face approximately half an hour before the procedure, and you won’t be able to feel the needles. You should know that a certain amount of bleeding, redness, and swelling is completely normal for the first 24 hours after the appointment.

PRF Is Often Used in Dental Wellness, and It's a Very Popular Beauty Treatment

PRF, short for platelet-rich fibrin, is a very popular cosmetic procedure that promotes the rejuvenation of the skin, making it look healthier, younger, and smoother. The PRF mixture promotes collagen production in the skin, making it appear much tighter. The procedure is based on using the patient’s own blood to boost the skin’s health. 
The way it works is by extracting the patient’s blood, processing it until the PRF layer is separated, and finally injecting it into the skin. The great thing about this treatment is that it’s completely natural and minimizes any chances of allergic reactions as the patient gets injected with their own blood.

Our Charlotte, NC, Dentist Uses the Most Innovative Laser Technology

One thing that sets our clinic apart is that we provide advanced laser dentistry. We have access to the latest and most innovative laser technology in the area, which helps us stay at the forefront of dental technology and allows us to provide our patients with exceptional care. 
You should also know that we don’t just use our cutting-edge laser technology for dental services and precise and minimally invasive procedures. We also implement them into our beauty treatments. 
Cosmetic laser procedures have become the most popular type of cosmetic treatment, as they cover a wide range of minimally invasive techniques that have proven to be the most effective at addressing various cosmetic and dermatological concerns. Our expert dentist in Charlotte, NC, can show you how easy it is to have amazing skin – just try out our fantastic laser treatments. 
If you’d like to have full, plump lips without any filler or needles, LipLasee is the perfect laser treatment for you. We also offer SmoothEye laser treatment if you want to reduce the periorbital wrinkles around your eyes and reverse the aging process, as well as Facial Vascular Removal, Rosacea (F), Varicose Veins (F), and Warts.

Patients Don't Require Sedation for Any of These Treatments

When people say beauty hurts, they haven’t been to our clinic. The best thing about our beauty treatments is they are completely painless. They require no sedation, but of course, mild to moderate sedation options are always available upon request at our clinic if you ever feel like you need them. 
In some cases, we will even use a numbing cream for your face before the microneedling treatment to give you the best and most comfortable experience possible. And as with all our dental services, we aim to please and to provide you with a spa-like experience, so you can expect hot towels, aromatherapy, a paraffin hand treatment, and, of course – your favorite music or Netflix show playing on the TV in front of you.

Aspire Dental Wellness is A Place Where the Best Dentistry and Beauty Treatments Meet

If you want to enhance your smile and rejuvenate your skin, Aspire Dental Wellness is the place for you. Dr Sladjana Bjelac will make sure you leave not only with a radiant smile but radiant skin as well. Our team is dedicated to making you look and feel beautiful and giving you the best spa experience possible. Contact us and book your spot in our dental wellness center.

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