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A Step-By-Step Guide – How to Prepare for Dental Implant Surgery in Charlotte

A dentist showing a dental implant to a patient

Implant placement, while sophisticated and advanced, is made smoother and more predictable with the right preliminary steps. The journey to a renewed smile begins long before you sit in the dental chair. Let’s explore some of the most crucial tips on how to prepare for dental implant surgery, ensuring that you’ve laid all of the groundwork for this life-changing procedure that’s just around the corner.

Single or inserting two to three dental implants in both arches are simple procedures that don’t involve surgery, so the preparation process is pretty straightforward. It starts with undergoing a comprehensive exam to assess your suitability, update your medical history, and discuss sedation options. Prepare your body by getting the rest it needs and fast for 12 hours if you will be going under general anesthesia. It’s also a good idea to make arrangements for a few days after the surgery so you can rest and heal. 

How Does Dental Implant Surgery Work?

Dental implants serve as sturdy anchors, filling the void left by one or several missing teeth. These durable metal posts, similar to screws, are carefully positioned within your jawbone to serve as new roots for teeth that are no longer there.

As these implants bond with your bone in a process known as osseointegration, they lay down the groundwork for what comes next. Once this integration is complete, the implant becomes a solid foundation for other structures – whether that’s dental crowns, bridges, or dentures – completing the transformation of your smile.

There Are Two Main Types of Dental Implants

Depending on the placement, implants come in two main types – subperiosteal and endosteal. Subperiosteal implants sit atop the jawbone but under the gum. This method is especially useful for those who don’t have enough jawbone height to support the structure.

On the other hand, endosteal implants, the more common variety, are directly placed into the jawbone, offering a sturdy base for one or several artificial teeth. Each type offers a unique approach to restoring smiles, tailored to meet individual needs and bone structures.

Knowing How to Prepare for Dental Implant Surgery Goes a Long Way

When it comes to inserting implants, each person’s journey is unique, depending on factors such as the number of teeth missing and the look you’re trying to achieve. The whole ordeal involves several procedures, often stretching over several months.

Therefore, preparing for this transformation is crucial for making sure your body is ready for the procedures ahead and for facilitating a smooth recovery post-surgery. Above all, having open and clear communication with your chosen periodontist in Charlotte, NC, stands out as one of the most important prerequisites.

Patient at a consultation with the dentist
It’s important to lay the necessary groundwork before the procedure itself

Step 1 – Get a Comprehensive Examination of Your Oral Health and Overall Well-Being

When it comes to restoring your smile with implants, there are a lot of things that could make you a good or a less-than-ideal candidate. Certain lifestyle factors, such as diabetes or regular smoking, may impact the effectiveness of the procedure, potentially leading to less favorable outcomes.

To prevent potential complications, a thorough examination is crucial. This initial step allows your dentist in Charlotte, NC, to assess your eligibility as well as gather the necessary information for crafting a personalized treatment plan tailored just for you.

What You Can Expect From This Initial Consultation

Your journey kicks off with an in-depth consultation, where your dentist will conduct X-rays, perform a visual examination, and review your medical history. You should visit your primary care provider for a general health checkup and blood work beforehand. This will ensure there are no underlying health issues that might affect the procedure.

You also need to share a current list of all medications and supplements you’re taking. This will help your periodontist to work in tandem with your primary care provider to adjust the treatment. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, you will get a customized plan, and your dentist will guide you on how to prepare for each step. Here are a couple of common case scenarios:

  • Medications that could potentially interact with anesthesia or impact the surgery will be carefully reviewed and adjusted as needed,
  • Patients with a compromised immune system may be prescribed antibiotics before and after surgery to prevent infections,
  • If you have allergies to certain anesthetics or dental materials, alternative options will be used.

Step 2 – Discuss Sedation Options With Your Charlotte Dentist in South Park

Most dentists offer a range of sedative medications tailored to different needs and preferences, so make sure you inquire about this option if you’re planning on it. Remember, if you decide on sedation, make sure to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home afterward.

Step 3 – Make Sure Your Body Is Prepared for the Procedure as Well

Once the details with your Charlotte, NC, dentist are arranged, there are a couple of things you can do yourself to prepare. For those who will receive general anesthesia, a 12-hour fast will be necessary. It’s also a good idea to wear comfortable, loose clothing, as it will help you feel as much at ease as possible. Last but not least, never underestimate the power of a good night’s rest before the procedure.

A woman sleeping
Make sure you get enough rest before the big day

Step 4 – Make Post-Surgery Arrangements for a Swift Recovery

Once each procedure is complete, you should have a few days off to rest and heal, so make sure you make these arrangements. Besides taking a leave from work, you should also take care of the following:

  • Stocking up your pantry with soft foods,
  • Having pain medication ready,
  • Canceling any social engagements you might have,
  • Avoiding intense exercise,
  • Arranging for help around the house or childcare.

Ready for the Smile of Your Dreams? Aspire Dental Wellness Is Here to Help

Amidst all the preparation work, the most important of all is to have an experienced professional by your side. Led by Dr. Sladjana Bjelac, our team at Aspire Dental Wellness is committed to providing personalized care and guidance to ensure your journey is as successful as its destination. Contact us today and reserve a consultation to explore your options – together, we’ll come up with a customized plan designed just for you.

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