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Diabetes and Dental Implants – What Patients Need to Know

A peace of sugar in the fake jaw with a lot of holes in teeth isolated

For around 40 million Americans, there’s one crucial question – If I am diabetic, can I get dental implants? This condition can be pretty complicated to manage and affects various aspects of your well-being, including dental treatments and outcomes. Let’s shed some light on the interplay between diabetes and dental implants, helping you make informed decisions on your journey of oral health and overall wellness.

Diabetes Can Cause Various Oral Health Complications to Develop

Diabetes affects many aspects of a person’s well-being, including oral health. Higher blood glucose levels and decreased saliva production create the perfect ground for bacteria to grow. This can result in gum (periodontal) disease, tooth decay, and other dental complications. For those managing diabetes and trying to keep their teeth healthy, regular visits to your Charlotte dentist in South Park are as crucial as the doctor’s appointments. 

The Condition Can Affect Dental Treatments and Their Outcomes

Not only does diabetes have a significant impact on your oral health, but it can also affect the results of certain dental treatments. Among them, dental implants and diabetes are a common pair. It makes sense, as the condition can cause cavities that can further develop into tooth loss, which is usually treated with implantation.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are special devices that serve as artificial tooth roots. They are inserted into the gum tissue and jawbone, providing support for dental crowns and bridges. This is a great option for people with missing teeth, helping them to restore their dazzling smile. But for implantation to function just like natural teeth and roots, there’s plenty of healing your body needs to do – several months, to be more exact.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

While implants are an excellent choice for those looking for a smile makeover, not everyone who deals with tooth loss is a good candidate. Here are some aspects that make a patient suitable for this treatment:

  • Good oral health, 
  • Commitment to good oral hygiene, 
  • Sufficient bone to support implantation.
female doctor pointing at tooth model while consulting patient, copy space
Good oral health overall is crucial when it comes to this treatment

Diabetes and Dental Implants – What Are the Risks?

The benefits of dental implants go far beyond restoring your smile. They will help you regain function in your mouth, allowing you to go through your daily life with ultimate comfort and confidence. However, that does not mean there are no risks of dental implants, especially for people with diabetes.

Diabetes Can Pose a Problem With the Healing Process

As a result of high glucose levels, diabetes can slow down the healing process and also your body’s ability to fight off an infection. Therefore, an implant for diabetics can pose significant post-treatment challenges, requiring special care and attention. 

There’s Always a Chance of Implant Failure

Following the compromised healing process that’s not properly monitored, the implant can fail, meaning it didn’t fuse with the tissue and bone as it should. In such instances, it will not be able to support complementary appliances such as crowns, bridges, and full dentures

Bottom Line – Can Diabetics Get Dental Implants?

Now that we’ve discussed the risks, you might think that people with diabetes are not eligible for implantation whatsoever. However, that’s not the case. An uncontrolled condition can pose significant risks, but if a person’s HbA1c level is below 7, it’s an excellent treatment option more often than not. 

To put it simply, if your general health is good and under control, you can take the next step and consult your dentist in Charlotte, NC, about it. Dental implants for diabetes type 2 are generally safer compared to type 1, but with careful preparation and special post-treatment care, both conditions can achieve desirable results. For this purpose, a special antibiotic is usually given both before and after the treatment. 

Consult Your Charlotte, NC, Dentist to Figure Out the Best Route for Your Overall Well-Being

There’s only one way to find out if you’re a good candidate for implantation – consulting your chosen dentist. It’s especially important that they have an approach rooted in holistic dentistry, as this means your overall well-being will be the top priority throughout the whole ordeal. 

Consult your dentist to find the best course of action

Why Are Dental Implants an Excellent Option for People With Controlled Diabetes?

If your dentist suggests implants as a good course of action, numerous benefits will ensue. Actually, this treatment can significantly improve the overall health of people with diabetes. First things first, you’ll regain confidence to stick to a balanced, healthy diet, helping to keep your condition under control. These dental devices will also help eliminate inflammation and discomfort, things diabetics deal with on a regular basis.

Turning Possibilities Into Realities With Aspire Dental Wellness

When you’re dealing with diabetes, your oral wellness journey might seem like a path paved with uncertainty. But with the Aspire Dental Wellness team, led by Dr. Sladjana Bjelac, this road can transform into a golden opportunity. Your dream smile doesn’t have to stay just a dream, even with this condition. Contact us today, and together, we can achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.

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