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Does Coffee Stain Your Teeth?

Photo of pensive brunette woman purses lips, looks thoughtfully aside, holds takeout coffee, makes decision in mind, plans her day, wears orange jumper, stands over blue wall. Asian girl with beverage

There’s nothing quite like that morning coffee. The rich aroma, the comforting warmth – pure bliss! But have you ever wondered what it’s doing to your smile? It might fuel your mornings, but does coffee stain your teeth? Let’s crack this caffeine confusion once and for all.

Bottom Line – Does Coffee Stain Your Teeth or Not?

Will coffee stain your teeth? Yes, this is unfortunately true. But how does coffee stain teeth exactly? Our favorite morning beverage contains an ingredient called tannin, which is a water-soluble polyphenol that helps colored compounds stick to the teeth. Therefore, as you’re sipping a cup of joe, these compounds leave a yellowish hue behind. 

Moreover, coffee is not the only drink that does this. Your pearly white, healthy teeth can also become stained from:

  • Red wine, 
  • Teas, especially black tea, 
  • Juices and smoothies from berries, 
  • Colas, 
  • Sports drinks. 

Is Drinking Coffee Bad for Teeth?

Copious amounts of coffee can take away much more than just a bright smile. It’s an acidic drink, meaning it can eat away at the tooth enamel, its outermost, hardy layer. Like with food, the particles get stuck in the nooks and crannies between the teeth and feed bacteria, especially if you prefer to take your morning cup with sugar. 

Bacterial accumulation can make the teeth weak and thin, as well as cause cavities to develop. Moreover, it’s a common cause of bad breath, known as halitosis, as the particles stick to the tongue. Therefore, there’s much more you should think about than just wondering – can coffee stain your teeth? For optimal oral health, we need to expand on this question much further than that. 

Remote working from home. Freelancer workplace in kitchen with laptop, cup of coffee, spectacles. Concept of distance learning, isolation, female business, shopping online. Close up of woman hands.
Any caffeine lover has the same question – why, oh, why does coffee stain teeth?

Some Tips and Tricks for Preventing Coffee-Stained Teeth

According to Drive Research, around 73% of Americans drink coffee every day. That’s nearly 3 in 4 people! So many cups of joe, so many less-than-pearly-white smiles. However, there are some tips and tricks you can implement into your routine to lessen the effects of everyone’s favorite beverage.

Try to Limit Your Daily Intake

Around 36% of people drink at least 3 cups a day. If you’re one of them, it’s a good idea to limit the intake to just one or two cups each day. Of course, giving it up altogether is the best-case scenario to prevent coffee-stained teeth, but if that’s not an option, simply cutting back can do wonders for your smile. For example, instead of having an afternoon cup, you can try green tea instead. 

Make Sure You Eat Something Before Your Coffee

Even if it’s a small amount, eating something before drinking coffee produces saliva that will prepare your teeth for the tannins contained in it. Moreover, certain foods can be extra beneficial, such as lemons and strawberries, as these fruits contain natural fibers that break down bacteria. 

Do Your Best to Avoid Creamer and Sugar

Creamers and sugar speed up the growth of bacteria, so make sure to avoid them most of the time. Stains are just the tip of the iceberg – these additions can also speed up the process of other oral health issues, including tooth cavities. However, drinking it straight black is not the solution either, as it’s pretty acidic. Take your coffee with milk instead, as it will diminish at least some of the staining effects. 

A woman starting to brush her teeth
A few simple changes to your routine can help prevent stains

Change the Way You Drink Your Coffee

You might’ve stumbled upon that catchy slogan – Sip All Day, Get Decay. This campaign might be aimed at soda and other sugary drinks, but the same applies to coffee too. The acid in coffee tackles your teeth every time you take a sip and each time it lasts about 20 minutes. 

Therefore, it’s better to finish the cup in one sitting, rather than sip it for hours on end. Also, if you’re drinking iced coffees most of the time, drinking them through a straw is a great way to reduce stains. 

Don’t Let It Sit Around in Your Mouth for Too Long

Drinking a glass of water as you finish a cup is beneficial not only for the teeth but your overall well-being as well. However, don’t brush your teeth immediately after – wait 30 minutes or so. This is because coffee is acidic, so brushing it right after can actually cause more trouble rather than solve anything. You can also use a tongue scraper to get rid of the compounds that got stuck there. 

Sticking to Your Oral Hygiene Routine Is the Most Important Part

It might seem obvious, but sticking to a good oral hygiene routine is crucial to prevent stains. The bare minimum is two times a day, for at least two minutes each time. You can switch to an electric toothbrush, as it provides more cleaning power. Whichever you use, make sure you change it regularly – bacteria can build up on it too. 

Your Charlotte Dentist in SouthPark Can Help Bring back Your Radiant Smile

Coffee stains teeth – it’s an unfortunate predicament in our lives. However, your Charlotte, NC, dentist offers so many different options for teeth whitening. Our team at Aspire Dental Wellness can provide you with custom-made at-home kits, as well as numerous effective in-office treatments. 

OpalescenceTM BoostTM offers a quick and effective way to brighten up your smile, but it’s far from being the only option. Laser deep cleaning and whitening using the TouchWhiteTM Fotona is the perfect solution for a complete smile makeover. Moreover, with this advanced cosmetic & laser dentistry, your teeth won’t become too sensitive, as can happen with other treatments. 

Visit Aspire Dental Wellness to Get Back Your Stain-Free Smile

Dreaming of a pearly white smile but dreading to say goodbye to that morning cup of coffee? Well, you don’t have to – our cosmetic dentist in Charlotte, NC, is here to help. We believe every smile is unique, and that’s why we do our best to customize treatments for each of our patients. Contact us today so our team, led by Dr. Sladjana Bjelac, can start planning the right treatment for you. 

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