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What to Expect the First Night After Tooth Extraction?

top view of bearded man sleeping on bed

So, you’ve just had a tooth pulled, and now you’re wondering what you can expect from the first night after tooth extraction. Whether you’re concerned about discomfort, swelling, or just getting a good night’s sleep, with the right prep, you’ll be on your way to a restful recovery. Here’s everything you need to know.

The First Few Days of Recovery Are Critical

While the recovery period after tooth extraction typically lasts only a few days, the first day is the opening act of your healing process – set the stage right, and it’ll be smooth sailing. According to research published in the National Library of Medicine, your body is working its hardest to close up that empty socket for the first few days, so knowing how to help it is super important. 

Whether it’s the first night after wisdom tooth extraction or any other type of dental removal, there are some dos and don’ts. Of course, your Charlotte, NC, dentist will provide you with plenty of guidance, and there’ll be a few check-ups along the way, but doing some research yourself is always a good move. If not for anything else, then for that added peace of mind that comes with knowing what you can expect

The First Night After Tooth Extraction – What to Eat and Drink?

When it comes to any type of oral surgery or treatment, figuring out what to eat during recovery is usually the first thought. Your mouth might be feeling sensitive, and you need the right nutrients to promote healing – all this requires some special attention when it comes to the diet. 

We get it – nothing makes you crave your favorite comfort food more than being told to take it easy. However, sticking to only easy-to-chew foods doesn’t mean you won’t be able to satisfy your cravings. As you gradually transition from a completely liquid diet on the first day to your usual menu, here’s what you can eat:

  • Smoothies – a cooling and nourishing choice; just make sure to avoid nuts or seeds that can irritate the extraction site, 
  • Blended soups – creamy tomato or squash soups are both delicious and healthy, but avoid eating them while hot, 
  • Pudding – if you’re in desperate need of a sweet treat, pudding is a great choice and very easy to enjoy, 
  • Yogurt – a perfect mix of smooth texture and nutritional value, it’s gentle on your mouth while offering a good dose of probiotics,
  • Soft fruits – bananas, avocados, and applesauce are easy to chew and packed with vitamins to support your recovery. 
Different ice cream flavors
Ice cream can be a great treat when you’re recovering

How to Sleep First Night After Tooth Extraction?

The key to recovery is having a full battery, so make sure to rest well, especially the first night. To minimize swelling and promote better circulation, it’s a good idea to fluff up those pillows and sleep in a semi-upright position with your head elevated. 

Make sure to avoid sleeping on the side of the extraction site so there’s no unnecessary pressure. Also, take prescribed medications before bed, so you have a completely comfortable and restful sleep. Of course, never freeball this – you need to take the recommended dosage and follow instructions from your dentist in Charlotte, NC. 

A Few Additional Tips to Promote the Healing Process

Besides the food and the sleep, there are a couple of other things you can do to ensure this recovery phase is just as effective as it is comfortable. Here are a couple of tips:

  • To reduce swelling, apply ice packs to the treated area for 15 minutes on, then 15 minutes off, and repeat this cycle for 1-2 hours, 
  • Gently but firmly bite down on the gauze pad your Charlotte dentist in SouthPark provided and change it every 30 to 40 minutes, 
  • To be extra safe, avoid brushing your teeth for the first 24 hours and then continue with the usual oral hygiene routine, but make sure to do it gently and keep the toothbrush away from the extraction site, 
  • Also, avoid rinsing your mouth for the first 24 hours, and after that, gently rinse with warm salt water 2 to 3 times a day to promote healing and keep the area clean. 
A woman starting to brush her teeth
Be careful about brushing and rinsing for the first few days

What to Avoid After Tooth Extraction

Knowing what not to do can be just as important as knowing what to do. So, we’ve prepared a list of things you should definitely steer clear of after your extraction:

  • Don’t poke the extraction site with your tongue, as it can mess with the healing process, 
  • Don’t use straws or blow your nose strenuously to prevent dislodging the blood clot, 
  • Refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours after the extraction. 

Recovery Starts With the Right Dentist by Your Side

Recovering from a tooth extraction doesn’t have to be an outright challenge – especially now that you know what to expect and what to look out for. With just a bit of nurture and care, you’ll be well on your way to a speedy recovery, with your smile back to its best in no time. 

From the treatment itself to complete recovery, Aspire Dental Wellness is here to help. Led by Dr. Sladjana Bjelac, our team is committed to a stress-free dentistry practice, making sure all of our services are as comfortable as they are effective. Ready to take the next step toward a healthier smile? Whether it’s for the procedure itself or a simple follow-up, contact us today, and let’s get you back to feeling great in no time!

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