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How to Relieve Broken Tooth Pain Until You See Your Dentist in Charlotte, NC

A dentist explaining using an x-ray to explain to a patient

A broken tooth is definitely not anyone’s idea of a good time. But life happens, and sometimes, your pearly whites take a blow. While seeing your dentist as soon as possible is the best move, in the meantime, you’ve got to figure out how to relieve broken tooth pain. Aspire Dental Wellness has some expert tips to keep things in control until your appointment. 

How to Relieve Tooth Pain From a Broken Tooth

To relieve a toothache, rinse your mouth gently after meals, use ice packs to reduce swelling, and apply clean gauze if there’s bleeding. Over-the-counter medications and dental anesthetics can also help manage discomfort. However, these are only temporary measures – the most important thing is to get in touch with your dentist. 

What Causes a Tooth to Break?

Enamel, the outer layer of a tooth, is the hardest substance in the human body. However, that doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. It can break off, and most often, it’s at the worst possible time. 

Unless it was some sort of an accident, this is a sign your teeth aren’t exactly healthy and strong. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, nearly 90% of adults have dealt with decay, and this is the leading cause of broken teeth. Cavities compromise the enamel, and this can result in a piece actually breaking off. 

tooth model
Decay weakens your tooth, leading to cracks

Call Your Charlotte, NC, Dentist No Matter How You Feel

The enamel protects the nerve tissues and blood vessels inside the dentin, the layer underneath. Once it’s exposed, sensitive teeth are the least of your worries – there’s a risk of developing a tooth infection.

Even if you’re not experiencing any discomfort, you should still get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible. Most of them leave openings for these kinds of things, or if you require immediate care, they’ll at least be able to point you toward an emergency dental clinic in Charlotte, NC. 

It’s a good idea to collect any broken tooth fragments you can find. While the dentist isn’t a magician who can reattach them, it will help them figure out if it’s a part of the enamel or maybe an old dental filling making an unexpected exit. 

How to Relieve Broken Tooth Pain Until Your Appointment

A broken tooth might not hurt constantly – you might have sensitive teeth, or it could just be a come-and-go kind of discomfort. Either way, it’s important to keep things under control until you can see your Charlotte dentist in SouthPark. Here are a couple of tips that can help you feel more comfortable in the meantime, but remember – they’re only a temporary fix. 

Rinse and Floss After Every Meal

After each meal, give your mouth a gentle rinse to clear away debris around the broken tooth. Warm water works just fine, but you can also use a saline solution or a mix of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide. 

Also, carefully remove any food particles around the broken tooth. This upgraded version of your usual oral hygiene routine helps prevent tooth infections and keeps the discomfort at bay

Apply Ice and Use Gauze if There’s Bleeding

If you notice swelling, there’s that classic trick of applying some ice on it. Wrap ice cubes or a cold pack in a towel and gently hold it against the swollen area of your face. Keep it for around 15 minutes at a time, and repeat as much as you need to keep the swelling under control. 

If there’s bleeding, place a piece of clean gauze near the broken tooth. Applying gentle pressure can help slow it down – just make sure you swap it out whenever it fills up to keep things clean and comfortable

Use Over-The-Counter Medications

Of course, you can also take anti-inflammatory medications such as Advil (ibuprofen). For targeted relief, you can also apply dental anesthetics like Orajel (benzocaine). Both the medications and the anesthetics are pretty easy to find at most pharmacies. If there’s a sharp edge, and the broken tooth is irritating your tongue, you can use a temporary dental filling to smooth it out. Just remember – these are quick, short-term fixes to keep you comfortable until that dentist appointment!

Dentist performing a dental cleaning and exam
These are just temporary solutions until you see your dentist

Here’s What to Avoid With a Broken Tooth

Knowing what to avoid is just as important to keep yourself comfortable until you can sit in that dental chair. A little caution can go a long way – here’s what you need to avoid:

  • Extreme temperatures – very hot or cold foods and drinks can trigger sensitivity, 
  • Sugary foods and beverages – sugar can aggravate the exposed layers of the dentin, 
  • Acidic foods and beverages – citrus fruits, vinegar, and other acidic things can cause irritation, 
  • Hard-to-chew foods – chewing on hard items like nuts or candy further damage the tooth, 
  • Alcohol – it can dry out the mouth, which can be irritating to the affected area, 
  • Coffeedrinking coffee, especially when it’s hot, can worsen sensitivity due to both temperature and acidity. 

Aspire Dental Wellness Can Offer Comfort and Care When You Need It the Most

Our team, led by Dr. Sladjana Bjelac, believes that dental care should and can be comfortable, even in the event of a broken tooth. With soothing amenities like aromatherapy and a focus on holistic dentistry, Aspire Dental Wellness is dedicated to creating an experience that puts you at ease. Contact us today to reserve your appointment, and let us take care of your smile with a new level of care and compassion. 

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