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What Causes Receding Gums?

condition of gum recession, where the margin of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away, or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth or the tooth's root

Smiling at the mirror and seeing that your teeth appear longer than usual? You might be dealing with a condition known as gum recession. But what causes receding gums in adults and children exactly? From sneaky plaque buildup to brushing with a bit too much enthusiasm, here are some possible reasons why your gums are not staying in place.

What Is Gum Recession?

Gum recession is a condition in which the gum tissue pulls back or wears away, exposing a bigger chunk of the tooth, or even its root. It’s a form of periodontal (gum) disease, and a pretty common one at that. 

In fact, according to The Journal of the American Dental Association, around 42% of US adults have some form of periodontal disease, with gum recession being a common occurrence. For people over 65, it’s even more frequent – approximately 88% are dealing with this condition. 

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Gum Recession?

There’s one obvious sign you’re dealing with gum recession – seeing more of your teeth and even some of the roots. Do a visual inspection of your teeth, and if they appear longer than usual, it’s time to make a dentist appointment. Here are other common telltale signs:

  • Discomfort near the gum line, 
  • Red, swollen gums, 
  • Increased sensitivity to cold, heat, and sweets, 
  • Discomfort during professional teeth cleaning
  • Sensitivity when brushing and flossing. 

What Are the Risks of Leaving This Condition Untreated?

As the tissue pulls back, gaps form between the gum line and teeth, creating a pocket that’s a perfect growing ground for bacteria. This can cause numerous further complications, including cavities, infections, and, ultimately, tooth loss. 

This is why you need to get in touch with your Charlotte, NC, dentist as soon as possible. With the right help, the potential of these risks developing will be kept to a minimum. There are plenty of treatment options, from something as simple as antibiotics to more advanced procedures in the field of laser dentistry.

Dentistry is evolving faster than ever – lasers offer non-intrusive treatments

What Causes Receding Gums?

Just like there are numerous symptoms and treatment options, there are plenty of possible reasons behind this condition. So, what are the causes of receding gums you should know about? Let’s take it one step at a time. 

As With Most Dental Problems, Poor Oral Hygiene Is the Main Culprit

It’s a tale as old as time – if you want to keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush, floss, and rinse regularly. Regular cleanings and exams are also vital. Otherwise, you might get excessive plaque buildup, which can turn into tartar. This hard substance can be removed only with professional dental cleaning. If left unaddressed, it causes your tooth enamel to wear away and starts to damage your gums, which results in recession.

Despite Good Oral Hygiene, Your Genetics May Be at Play

While oral hygiene is always an important factor to consider, there’s always a chance that you’re simply not lucky in the gene pool. Studies suggest that no matter how well you care for your teeth, genetics can make you more likely to develop periodontal disease, including gum recession. So, if periodontitis or its early stage, gingivitis, runs in your family, you should be on the lookout to be extra safe. 

Aggressive Tooth Brushing and Other Dental Injuries May Be the Cause

We all know those aggressive brushers, thinking if they scrape hard enough, they’ll get rid of all the nasty stuff. However, it can actually be pretty damaging to tooth enamel, causing gums to pull back. Remember – toothbrushing involves gentle pressure to remove plaque, so make sure you don’t get carried away. Similarly, other kinds of injuries or trauma can be a common cause. For example, if you take a blow to the mouth, it can make your teeth too loose, making you more susceptible to gum recession.

Smiling young woman brushing teeth in bathroom. Portrait of happy girl looking in mirror while using ecological toothbrush with whitening toothpaste. Beauty girl in bathroom cleaning teeth in the morning time.
You shouldn’t pull a muscle while brushing teeth – apply gentle pressure

Grinding or Clenching Your Teeth Can Be Behind Your Gums Receding

Putting too much pressure on your teeth can be a common cause. The most common occurrence is grinding your teeth, which most people do in their sleep, so they’re not even aware of the problem. Called bruxism in dentistry, this condition can irritate the gums and result in them pulling away. 

On top of that, pressure can come from unintentionally clenching your teeth or inadequately using braces and other orthodontics. That is why you should be extra careful about the kind of braces or nighttime aligners you’re using. Of course, this is done by consulting your Charlotte dentist in SouthPark. 

Misaligned Teeth Can Also Put Unnecessary Pressure

Now that we’re on the topic of pressure and straightening your teeth, let’s mention one more common cause – misalignment. When teeth don’t come together properly, there’s too much pressure, and we’ve already concluded that this can result in gum recession. Because of such potential risks, teeth alignment should be at the top of the priority list for those who need it. 

Hormonal Changes Can Affect the Health of Your Gums

Even though we’ve talked about how this condition is pretty prevalent in adults over the age of 30, kids can be affected, too. If you’re wondering what causes receding gums in a child, know that it might be the result of puberty. Along with that, other hormonal changes in a woman’s lifetime, such as pregnancy and menopause, can make you more likely to get gum recession. 

Using Tobacco Products Is Obviously Not Ideal for Your Gums

Obviously, smoking is not great, both for your dental health and overall well-being. Tobacco usage makes the plaque buildup much stickier, making it more difficult to remove it. That’s why smoking is one of the common causes of gum recession in adults.

Forget About the Causes and Treat This Condition Appropriately

It’s important to know about the common signs and causes of a certain condition, especially if you suspect you have it. But nothing beats making an appointment with your dentist in Charlotte, NC

Our team at Aspire Dental Wellness, led by Dr. Sladjana Bjelac, can tell you all you need to know about this condition. Moreover – we can help you treat it. Our laser treatment for periodontal disease is the best option stress-free dentistry can offer you. Contact us today, and let’s work together towards your healthiest smile yet. 

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