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Will a Sharp Tooth Wear Down Naturally Over Time?

Cute woman looking at her teeth and whiteness while looking in t

Will a sharp tooth wear down naturally over time? Can it just fix itself, or does it need a little professional help? Aspire Dental Wellness is here to break down the facts and find out what’s really going on with those pointy pearly whites. Let’s get your smile back on track!

Bottom Line – Will a Sharp Tooth Wear Down on Its Own?

Thanks to saliva production, sharp edges on teeth can naturally wear down over time. However, if there’s a chip in the tooth, it’s better to have your dentist look at it, no matter how small it is. The sharp edges might wear down, but that chip will remain unless you get a professional dental treatment.

How Do Sharp Edges on Teeth Happen?

Some teeth, like your canines, are naturally sharp, and they’re built that way for a reason. Canines are designed to tear through food and keep everything functioning properly. But there’s a big difference between naturally sharp, healthy teeth and those that get that way due to an accident. 

The enamel might be the hardest substance in the human body, but it’s not invincible. Teeth can weaken due to cavities, leading to chips and cracks. This is the most common case scenario. In fact, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, around 90% of adults have had or currently have decay. Another common culprit is teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, which gradually wears down those pearly whites. 

What Are the Risks of a Chipped or Cracked Tooth?

A small chip seems pretty harmless, especially if it doesn’t include sensitive teeth. You go on with your usual oral hygiene routine, pretending like nothing ever happened. However, it’s still a good idea to visit your Charlotte dentist in SouthPark. This is because chipped, sharp teeth can cause:

  • Discomfort while eating – you have to watch what you eat to feel at ease, 
  • Tongue irritation – the sharp edge can irritate and even cut the tongue and cheek, 
  • Increased sensitivity – you might have sensitive teeth when eating or drinking, 
  • Further damage – enamel is weakened, which can cause additional cracks, 
  • Tooth infection – bacteria reaching the inner layers of the tooth can cause an infection
Kid ready to bite a potato chip
Getting a chipped tooth is easier than you think

What to Do if You Chip a Tooth?

If you’re dealing with discomfort from your chipped, sharp tooth, a warm saltwater rinse is a great way to alleviate it. You can also cover the jagged edge with wax paraffin or sugarless gum to protect your cheek and tongue. 

If there’s swelling, go for the classic ice-pack solution and try to avoid chewing on that side. Other than that, keep up with the normal routine and book a dentist appointment as soon as possible. 

Dr. Sladjana Bjelac consulting a patient in her office
No matter how you feel, book an appointment as soon as possible

How to Fix a Sharp Tooth – The Most Effective Solutions

The at-home remedies we’ve just discussed are only temporary solutions. The best thing to do is to let your dentist in Charlotte, NC, have a look, no matter if you feel discomfort or not.

Professionally wearing down a sharp tooth, especially when it’s causing issues, is the safest option. If it requires restoration, the dentist will walk you through the options and find the best solution to get your smile back to feeling its best

Dental Fillings Are a Pretty Common Fix

For smaller fixes, dental fillings are the most common treatment. Actually, the average American has as many as three of them! Even if you’re keeping up with the flossing and brushing like your life depends on it, chances are, you’ll end up needing at least one filling at some point. 

Dental fillings do just what the name suggests – they fill up cavities or small cracks in your teeth. This restores the tooth’s function and helps prevent further decay, all while giving you a quick smile makeover.

Dental Crowns Are Suitable for Bigger Cracks

Dental crowns are another common solution for restoring a chipped, sharp tooth. Crowns are custom-made caps that help to restore its shape and size. They’re built to last, crafted from strong materials such as porcelain.

Above function, dental crowns are designed to seamlessly blend with the rest of your pearly whites. With this solution, your cosmetic dentist in Charlotte, NC, offers you a blend of durability and aesthetics that keeps your smile looking and feeling its best!

Dental Veneers Are Another Solution for a Flawless Smile

Dental veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front of teeth to give them a fresh new look. They’re perfect for covering ships and brightening stubborn discoloration. Just like other restorative treatments, veneers are crafted from durable materials and tailored to match your natural teeth. All in all, veneers offer a long-lasting, seamless solution that’s as functional as it is picture-perfect.

Dental ceramic, gold and metal tooth crowns on white background. Isolated.
Getting crowns is an effective way to get your smile on track

Smooth Out the Edges With Aspire Dental Wellness

A sharp edge on your tooth doesn’t have to be a permanent problem. With a quick visit to our Charlotte, NC, dentist, it can be smoothed out. From that point, our team, led by the experienced Dr. Sladjana Bjelac, will find the perfect solution for you. There’s a treatment out there to fit every smile and every need – contact us today, and let’s bring out the best in your smile!

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