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Implants vs. Dentures – Which Is Right for You?

Woman smiling at a dentist's office

Missing teeth can be an eyesore, but they also take a serious toll on your daily routine. Eating, speaking, and even smiling becomes a challenge. Fortunately, the problem can be fixed with a tooth implant or dentures. However, when it comes to implants vs. dentures, what’s best for your smile? Here’s everything you need to know about both treatment options.

Why Would a Person Need Dental Implants or Dentures?

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, around 178 million people in the US have at least one missing tooth. It’s a common predicament, and nothing to be embarrassed about. However, it is something that should be addressed promptly, as it is unhealthy not only for your mouth but your overall well-being as well. Plus, there’s the confidence factor that comes with a nice smile. 

Dental implants and dentures are both popular solutions when it comes to missing teeth. There are plenty of differences between the two, but they essentially serve the same function, helping you:

  • Restore your chewing abilities, 
  • Improve speech, 
  • Have solid support for facial muscles, 
  • Have a strong jaw structure, 
  • Increase self-esteem. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for These Treatments?

Partial or full dentures are suitable for almost anyone. On the other hand, dental implants need a certain amount of jawbone to work successfully. This means it’s not suitable for people who have lost bone material through age, injury, or gum disease. You’re also at a higher risk if you smoke or have uncontrolled diabetes

However, it’s not such a straightforward set of rules where you can be either right or wrong. Each case is different. For example, you might be able to get sufficient bone material with the help of a bone graft or sinus lift. That’s why visiting your dentist in Charlotte, NC, is the first necessary step in determining the best fit for your smile. 

A dentist explaining the treatment to a patient
Your first step? Consulting your Charlotte, NC, dentist

Dental Implants vs. Dentures – What Do the Treatments Look Like?

Something as simple as a dentist’s appointment will clear things up on whether you’re a good candidate for either of these treatments. Taking a look at your oral health will tell them everything they need to know, and you’ll be able to talk about your options in detail. Now is the perfect time to ask any questions you might have. 

How Dental Implants Work

A dental implant is a screw-like device that is inserted directly into the jawbone, serving as an artificial tooth root. This titanium prosthetic root, called a post, needs to integrate with the surrounding bone in a process known as osseointegration, which can take a couple of months. Once this is complete, a dental crown will be fitted, and the replacement of your missing tooth is finally complete. 

How Dentures Work

Dentures can be either full or partial, depending on whether they’re replacing all or some of the missing teeth. They can be made from various materials, but acrylic resin is the most common construction. There are also the so-called clip-on dentures, which are supported by dental implants

In most cases, getting dentures fitted is a much quicker process. The only thing that can prolong the whole ordeal is if you need to get some of your teeth removed, which needs to be followed by a month or two of recovery. 

If that’s not the case, your Charlotte dentist in South Park can immediately take an impression of your teeth to ensure a proper fit. First, a preliminary set will be made, helping the dentist figure out if any further adjustments need to be made. Once that’s done, a dental technician will be able to craft your dentures with precision, making sure they are comfortable and look natural. 

Dentures Might Need Some Getting Used To

When done correctly, a dental implant and crown look and act like a real tooth. Your speech won’t be impacted, you will be able to eat normally, and most importantly, your jaw structure and the rest of your teeth will remain healthy and strong. 

On the other hand, getting used to your new dentures can take a couple of months. They are custom-fitted, meaning they should be very comfortable, but you’ll still need to practice speaking and chewing with them. After this trial period, they will start to feel more natural, and soon enough, you won’t even think about it. 

Dentist explaining teeth structure to a patient
Dentures might take some getting used to, but over time they will feel natural

What About the Longevity of These Treatments?

Over time, your bite changes. Because of that, dentures usually need to be replaced after five to eight years, or they’ll get uncomfortable and stop functioning as they should. On the flip side, if you take care of it, an implant can last as long as a natural, healthy tooth. In this category, it seems like it’s a no-brainer, but keep in mind that there’s not much difference if you’re choosing between permanent dentures vs. implants. 

Dental Implants Don’t Change Your Usual Oral Hygiene Routine

One more thing you’ll need to get used to with dentures is maintenance. You will need to take them out during the night and let them soak in a special cleaning solution. Also, you should remove them after your meals and brush them thoroughly. 

Here, the benefits of dental implants reach far and wide. Your daily routine doesn’t have to change much – you will look after them just like you would with natural teeth. This includes brushing, flossing, and going for routine cleanings and exams

Dentures vs. Implants – What’s the Cost Difference?

In most cases, dental implants are more expensive than dentures. This is because it’s a more complex procedure, using high-quality materials for the job. However, keep in mind that dentures will need to be replaced periodically, so they might not be the more cost-effective option in the long run. 

Aspire Dental Wellness Is Here to Offer a Customized Solution

Each smile is unique, and that’s the beauty of it. Our team at Aspire Dental Wellness, led by Dr. Sladjana Bjelac, bases its holistic dentistry practice around this dazzling fact. That’s why we offer completely customized solutions for all our patients. Contact us today – the smile you’ve always dreamed about can become a reality. 

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