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What to Expect From Laser Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Laser_Dentistry_Fotona_Laser Treatments Snoring

Sleep apnea can seriously mess with getting quality rest. Fortunately, today’s dental technology makes way for effective solutions with long-lasting results. The laser treatment for sleep apnea is a comfortable, non-invasive procedure that works wonders for people dealing with this condition. If you’re one of them, here’s exactly what you can expect from the whole ordeal.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

According to recent research, sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep-related disorders in the world. Most cases are what we call obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which occurs as a result of restricted airways caused by softened tissues of the throat. A trigger response is activated due to the lack of oxygen, and you suddenly find yourself waking up, gasping for air.

In the US, around 34% of men and 17% of women are affected by OSA. There are a lot of instances where this condition is left undiagnosed and untreated. However, it doesn’t have to stay that way – laser dentistry offers a quick and effective solution.

How Can Advanced Laser Dentistry Help?

Laser sleep apnea treatment has been making literal and figurative waves recently. The use of this innovative dental technology stretches far beyond simple teeth whitening. We’ve only just started exploring the benefits of laser dentistry, but it’s quickly becoming favored as an effective solution for those struggling to get a good night’s rest.

Laser beams have a tightening effect on the oral mucosa tissue in your mouth, helping your airways stay open during the night. Technologies such as Fotona’s NightLaseⓇ and Solea Sleep can also reduce snoring, which is a common occurrence with OSA patients. But even more importantly, you’ll finally be able to get some quality rest, starting your mornings feeling refreshed once again. 

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of OSA?

First things first, how do you know you’re in need of a sleep apnea laser treatment? A sleep study is usually conducted to diagnose this condition. Request it from a professional if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Frequently waking up during the night, 
  • Waking up with a choking or gasping sensation, 
  • Having difficulty falling and staying asleep (insomnia), 
  • Snoring loudly enough to wake yourself and others, 
  • Experiencing a dry mouth or a sore throat in the morning, 
  • Having frequent headaches in the morning, 
  • Feeling unusually sleepy during the daytime. 

Why Should You Address Sleep Apnea Promptly?

OSA can quickly start to affect your overall health and well-being. Leaving it untreated can further complicate things, especially if you’re dealing with certain health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and asthma. There’s no doubt about it – treating sleep apnea early can significantly improve your quality of life.

Man sleeping with his mouth opened
Excessively loud snoring can be a tell-tale sign of something more serious going on

Here’s How Dental Laser Treatment for Sleep Apnea Works

The treatment starts with a visit to your Charlotte dentist in South Park. You will talk about the symptoms you’re experiencing and the dentist will examine your soft palate. Based on that, they will decide which dental laser treatment will work best for you – Fotona’s NightLaseⓇ or Solea Sleep

NightLaseⓇ Is a Non-Invasive Treatment That Lasts Only Five Minutes

Fotona’s NightLaseⓇ is the best laser surgery for sleep apnea out there, but when we say surgery, it’s important to underline that this one is completely non-invasive. In around five minutes, the collagen fibers of the soft palate will be tightened, opening up the airway for an efficient flow. It’s the epitome of stress-free dentistry, free of any discomfort associated with the more traditional approaches. 

Solea Sleep Works Wonders for a Good Night’s Rest

Across three separate sessions over the span of two months, Solea Sleep reduces snoring and alleviates OSA symptoms effectively. It works by heating up the soft mucosal tissue of your oral cavity, and it has a high success rate, with great results that can last for up to a year. After this period, the Solea Sleep treatment can be repeated if the issues persist.

An office at Aspire Dental Wellness with laser technology and other equipment
Technology is constantly improving – make sure to take advantage of it

The Best Part? Recovery Time Equals Zero

In both sleep apnea and cosmetic dental treatments, lasers are a popular choice because of their non-invasive nature and efficiency. But one more thing that makes this innovative technology so much different from traditional methods is the fact that there’s no need for recovery after the procedure is done. 

There Are Still Things You Could Do to Achieve Great Results

There’s no recovery, but there are some lifestyle changes you should make to effectively treat your OSA. First and foremost, staying active and limiting the use of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine can be super beneficial. 

You can also try orofacial myofunctional therapy, consisting of special exercises that target the facial muscles and the mouth. This can only strengthen the results you get from your treatment, adjusting the soft palate’s position and making sure your breathing remains uninterrupted. Simple lifestyle changes like these can make a world of difference. 

Reclaim Sleep With the Help of Your Charlotte, NC, Dentist – You Deserve It!

Laser dentistry in Charlotte, NC, offers a quick and simple solution to your nightly troubles. Moreover, there are multiple treatment routes to choose from, allowing our team at Aspire Dental Wellness to customize the whole process specifically for you. Contact us today, and let’s make it happen. Dr. Sladjana Bjelac and her experienced team are here to help you reclaim restful nights and energized mornings. 

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