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What Is Sleep Apnea? Insights from Charlotte’s Aspire Dental Wellness Experts

Man sleeping with his mouth opened

Unraveling the mysteries of sleep can lead to profound health insights. In this endeavor, one major obstacle that many face is sleep apnea. But what is sleep apnea exactly? This common yet often misunderstood condition affects many people with varying degrees of severity. Let’s shed some light on its causes and symptoms and how your Charlotte dentist in South Park can help you get a good night’s rest once again.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a widespread disorder affecting nearly a billion people around the globe. This condition causes your breathing to stop while you’re asleep. Due to the lack of oxygen, your survival mechanism gets triggered, waking you up just in time to resume breathing.

What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

This sleep disorder can manifest in various ways, some of which might seem unrelated to your nighttime rest at first glance. Here are some of the key symptoms to look out for:

  • Loud and chronic snoring, often accompanied by gasping or choking sounds,
  • Waking up abruptly, often with a shortness of breath,
  • Experiencing a sore throat or dry mouth upon waking,
  • Morning headaches and daytime sleepiness,
  • Difficulty concentrating or memory problems,
  • Mood changes, such as irritability or depression,
  • High blood pressure.

There Are Two Main Types of Sleep Apnea

While the symptoms of sleep apnea can vary widely, the causes of this condition generally fall into two main categories: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Each type is distinct, with its own specific triggers and implications for treatment.

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the more prevalent form of the condition, occurring when your upper airway gets repeatedly blocked during sleep. This blockage reduces or even stops airflow altogether. Factors like being overweight, having hormonal changes, or enlarged tonsils can narrow your airway, increasing the risk of developing this condition.

What Is Central Sleep Apnea?

Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a different scenario, where the issue lies not in physical blockages but in communication. Here, your brain fails to send the necessary signals to the muscles that control breathing.

This lapse can be due to various health conditions that affect how your brain manages the muscles in your airway and chest. However, it can also be combined with obstructive elements, which is known as complex sleep apnea (CompSAS), a condition that necessitates a special diagnosis and treatment.

What Are the Dangers of Sleep Apnea?

This condition does more than just interrupt a peaceful night’s rest. It can pose significant risks to your heart health and overall well-being. The daytime sleepiness it causes can also interfere with daily activities, making tasks more challenging and potentially hazardous.

Fortunately, with effective treatments available at Aspire Dental Wellness, your dentist in Charlotte, NC, these risks can be managed and reduced. With the help of advanced laser dentistry and our experienced team, you’ll be able to safeguard your health, both during the night and throughout your daily life.

A woman sleeping peacefully
Treating sleep apnea is more than just getting a good night’s rest

How Your Charlotte, NC, Dentist Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea

When it comes to seeking treatment, the dentist’s office might not be the first place you look. However, laser dentistry has proven to be a real game-changer, offering fast and comfortable solutions.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Treatments?

As dental technology continues to evolve, laser dentistry has emerged as a prominent and non-invasive approach to diagnosis and treatment. These methods can effectively address a wide range of concerns, with a few added perks:

  • Results can be seen after just a single appointment,
  • There’s no downtime after treatment,
  • The overall quality of sleep is improved.

Advanced Laser Dentistry in Charlotte, NC, Offers Quick and Comfortable Solutions

Led by the experienced Dr. Sladjana Bjelac, our team at Aspire Dental Wellness is committed to tailoring customized treatment plans for each patient. This means we offer two advanced solutions – the Fotona’s NightLase and the Solea Sleep lasers.

Consisting of laser beams tightening the oral mucosa tissue, both approaches are quick, comfortable, and non-invasive, with long-lasting results. Apart from treating sleep apnea, these lasers will also help you reduce snoring and increase the overall quality of your slumber.

How Does Laser Therapy Work Exactly?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Bjelac will conduct a thorough examination to assess what needs to be done with your soft palate. Based on this, our team will devise a personalized treatment plan, either with Fotona’s NightLase or the Solea Sleep. These lasers will tighten loosened collagen fibers quickly and effectively, allowing the soft palate to contract and prevent airway blockages.

Dentist using Fotona's NightLase laser
Laser dentistry offers a simple and quick solution for this sleeping disorder

Here’s What You Can Do to Help Your Condition

If you’re dealing with sleep apnea, prompt treatment is essential. As we’ve already discussed, this condition can have adverse effects on your overall health. However, there are some steps you can take to significantly reduce its impact and frequency:

  • If you have excess weight, it’s crucial to try to lose some of it,
  • Exercising regularly can improve symptoms and the overall quality of your rest,
  • Do your best to stick with good sleeping habits,
  • Try using special support pillows to keep you off your back, as sleep apnea is more likely to occur in this position,
  • You can also try over-the-counter products like adhesive strips and nasal sprays.

Rediscover a Good Night’s Rest With Aspire Dental Wellness

Sleep apnea is the number one silent thief of a good night’s rest. Don’t let this condition impact your health and rob you of this much-needed downtime. With Aspire Dental Wellness, a brighter, more energized tomorrow is just a laser treatment away. Contact us today and reserve a consultation, making the first step on your journey towards the well-deserved rest you’ve been missing.

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